So you've undoubtedly heard by now that Flappy Bird creator Dong Nguyen has assured CNBC's Kelly Evans that Flappy Bird will indeed be coming back, and with a new multiplayer mode. However, Nguyen assured Evans that the new game will be less addictive than the first, one of the main reasons the developer felt he had to pull the game in the first place.
Get ready! Flappy Bird is coming back to an Android near you. / © FlappyBirdYou may recall that during the short-lived Flappy Bird explosion, Nguyen found it difficult to deal with the demands, attention and pressure his unlikely smash hit game received and he decided that these things considered, along with what he saw as a very unhealthy attitude towards the game displayed by many players, that everyone would be better served by seeing it removed from circulation.
He gave fans fair warning and allowed everyone twenty-four hours to frantically download it officially before he removed the file from the Play Store, and received death threats and all kinds of media attention in the wake of his surprising decision. But that was then, this is now, and it seems that the new and improved Flappy Bird will arrive in August. The question is: will anyone still care about it by then?
If you missed out before, you can still grab the Flappy Bird APK. And don't forget our Flappy Bird tips and tricks (and a hack to set your own high score)!
Would you like to see Flappy Bird return? Or have you moved on to another obsession already?
Via: Tech Crunch Source: @DonnaBurton (Twitter)