Gadget of the week: Magnic Light, the contactless bike light

Saturday, May 24, 2014

In our gadget of the week series, we present new gadgets, accessories, thingamabobs, and gizmos that range from being super useful to just being fun toys. This week’s Gadget of the week is a useful one that all cyclics will love: Magnic Light is stuck on your bike and works without needing to be connected to the wheel. Not only Android users can take advantage of this one.

magnic light 1 © Magnic Light

Magnic Light is a lamp built for bikes that works without a battery or energy produced by the wheel. There are various models, for both the front and back of the bike and it uses a classic LED lightbulb.

magnic light 2 © Magnic Light

Magnic Light works thanks to powerful neodymium magnets. A current is created by magnetic induction, which is also known under the name of Eddy current (also known as Foucault current after the physicist who discovered it). This technology is used for many everyday situations, like for the breaks in 1 ton trucks for example. The energy is created thanks to the relation between the wheel rotation and the magnet, meaning No battery and it won’t slow you down as you ride since it doesn't touch the wheel.

magnic light 4 © Magnic Light

Dirk Strothmann, the inventor of Magnic Light, explains his concept, as follows:

Take a magnetic ball (which you can get in many toys) and let it roll in a non-magnetic aluminum frying pan. The ball will react if it was in a magnetic current! It’s actually super simple: the aluminum is the conductor and this with the magnets creates the Eddy current and therefore turns on the light. The magnetic field is the same as the one with the ball and the pan. Nothing will touch the wheel.

magnic light 3 © Magnic Light

Magnic Light is really practical: you don’t need a battery and it doesn’T slow down your ride. The light is of course water and dust resistant, lightweight and easy to install. Magnic Light comes in various models and there are a few supports available as well, meaning that it will adapt to any bike. Find out on their website for prices and country availability.

What do you think of Magnic Light? Would you use something like this?

Source: Magnic Light (Kickstarter), Magnic Light (website)